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Live Bees

Honey Bee Nucs are 

SOLD OUT for 2025

We have sold our quota of Nucs for the year, so no more will be grown for orders.


Do to cold weather in Georgia; Not many Package bees left and will be about 3 weeks late this year.

You can always call and see if there is a cancellation, no promises. Thank you.


If you are interested in starting or expanding your own beehives at home, BeeHive Barn can help provide you with nucs or packages to get you underway.


Our bees are Italian honeybees, renowned for their gentle temperament and exceptional honey production. Originating from Italy, these bees thrive in a variety of climates and are excellent foragers. Their resilience and adaptability make them popular among beekeepers. Additionally, Italian bees play a vital role in pollination, supporting healthy ecosystems and diverse agricultural practices.

To start your own colonies, you can choose our 5-frame nucs, also known as a nucleus colony. This small core colony consists of an uncaged, mated queen, worker bees, and drone bees, along with both brood and honey frames.

Alternatively, you can opt for our 3-pound package of bees, which includes a small can of sugar syrup, a mated and caged queen, and her workers and drones. This package is ready to be placed in your hives at home.

If you are looking to replace your queen, we can provide mated queens specifically for that purpose.

Please note:

  • BeeHive Barn does not ship live bees. If you purchase bees, you must call to schedule a pickup.

  • If you want or require your queen to be marked there is an additional cost. Be sure to choose the correct drop down when adding items to your cart.  

Shop your live bee needs below!

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